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The Sugar Baby Confessionals

Jun 29, 2018

(Theme: Feminism and mental health)

We chat to Lauren, a psychologist and feminist, on the possible psychological effects of sex work on the sugar babies. Then journalist and broadcaster Bibi Lynch and ex-sex worker and comedienne Miranda Kane from the Good Sex Bad Sex podcast talk internet dating, incels, unsolicited...

Jun 20, 2018

Episode 12: Tipsy Tart I (Theme: Feminism & sex work)

Guest host (and general badass) Katherine Hofmeyr bravely takes the role of feminist policewoman to referee our discussion of feminism and how it relates to the sugar babies. Are the sugar babies reclaiming the word ‘whore’? We talk #metoo, #notallmen,...

Jun 13, 2018

Ruby updates us on what’s happening with her, FP and the Brit. With her marriage on the verge of breakdown, she has realised that she is polyamourous and in love with both the Brit and FP. FP is deeply unhappy about this. Can they find a way to make it work?


The book Ruby mentions is: More Than Two: A Practical...

Jun 6, 2018

(Theme: Catching up)

We catch up with Ruby and Madelaine and see where they are after 7 months of sugar-babying – how have they changed? What are the upsides and the issues they’ve faced? Have their sexual fantasies been fulfilled? Has it all been worth it?

Find out what FPs ultimatum to Ruby was and whether or...