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The Sugar Baby Confessionals

Mar 26, 2018

Episode 6: Sno Balls (Theme: Power)

We discuss the power dynamics of the sugar baby relationships. Ruby and the Brit have sex on a giant beanbag (crunch, crunch, crunch). Are male and female roles evolving? More sugar daddy anecdotes.

Books mentioned:

Just F*ck Me! - What Women Want Men to Know About Taking Control in...

Mar 13, 2018

In episode 5, Madelaine and ST discuss their reservations about Ruby going exclusive with the Brit. “One way or another, you always pay for sex,” says Madeleine. She discusses her approach to cash and we catch up with her about her sugar daddy experiences.

Check out these articles, which we discuss:

Vanity Fair -

Mar 5, 2018

We discuss filthy lucre. How much do the sugar babies charge? How awkward are those exchanges and how do they feel about accepting money for the use of their bodies? Ruby is thinking about going exclusive with the Brit because the sex is so good. Anecdotes about the sugar daddies, including Chevalier.

Our beautiful...